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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Unknown About The Author

This is a blogger tips, pc help and other kind of tech blog site. In this site you will get many other blogger tips and tricks, important applications such as software, games, mobile applications, and other kind of Pc tips, help and solution. There are also available several tutorials and tricks about Blogger, Wordpress, Mobile application, internet markteing, Make earn online and both for mobile and computer etc. Still now we are writing and uploading many important content for willing people and in the future we will try our level best to continue it.

Blogging History
We are started this blogging in July 2012 just after completing S.S.C. After me and my friends,started writing blogs to many other bangla blogging platform. We started taking interest in technology Blogger writer. we are now thirst for learning and understanding latest web technologies like HTML4, CSS3, PHP and JavaScript equipped him with an excellent art of web designing. And my friends also learning grapish designs  latest technology.

Blogging History
Actually our main mission and vision is to provide online help without any barrier. This is the age of science and technology. In this modern age most of the people of not only Bangladesh but also the whole world is using the elements (both of software and hardware) of modern science. But they are facing many problems when they use those elements. Basically we emphasize on the important on learning about technology. Because it is most important at the present situation. We can not think our life without it. It surrounded us. This days all types of activities are related with technology.

Blogging History
In a survey many people try to find a solution of their problem in internet. Because people believe they will get a better solution. So we focus on their wants. We are trying to provide all types of online solution depending on problems. We are working enthusiastically to full fill our objectives. And we believe one day we will succeed if you people support us. Thank you very much for being with us.

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