Jute : Articals

Jute is a kind of coarse fibre. It is the fibre of the jute plant. It is the main cash crop of Bangladesh. It earns the major portion of our foreign exchange. So it is popularly called the golden fibre of Bangladesh. Moist and swampy lands are suitable for the cultivation of jute. The soil of Bangladesh is specially suitable for the production of the best type of jute. It also grows in West Bengal, Assam, Orissa and Madras of India. Bangladesh products about 75% of the world production. The cultivation of jute requires hard labour. The land is ploughed and manured in the month of March. Then seed, are sown in the month of March or April. At that time rain falls nbv; and then. With the rains the plants begin to grow rapidly. Grass and other weeds have to be pulled out. The jute fields require weeding a number of times. Within four months the plants attain their full size. Then the stem is covered with a thick bark. Then the plants are cut down and kept in water to rot. The fibre is then taken off the st alks. Then it is washed in clean water and dried in the sun. In this way jute is made ready for use and sa'.e. Jute is made into ropes, gunny bags, brushes, mats, carpets, false hair and fine cloth. Its stalk is used as fuel. It is also used for fencing. Thousands of people work in jute mills. -Our poor farmers sell their jute to the middlemen. The middlemen in their turn sell it to the exporting firms and mill owners. It is a fact that the jute growers do not get the fair price of jute. They should be given the fair price of jute.

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